Bay Ten
est. 2014
We’re not sure what part of the Bay Ten Espresso story we love more – the shipping container from a record-breaking drug bust, sharing the legacy of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the abandoned warehouse refurb, or that our genesis stems from not being able to find a good coffee in the North Sydney area. We had to make it ourselves.
What started as an idea for a simple espresso cart in a disused carpark ended up as a fully-fledged café in a dishevelled warehouse. We became the misfits under the bridge!

Originally built in 1923 to engineer the steelworks for the construction of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the near century-old industrial warehouses had since belonged to mechanics, car dealers, and emergency services, until we made our debut in the laneway.
Middlemiss Misfits
Unpretentious, imperfect and a little strange; our crew are made up of self-confessed misfits who’ve converged under the bridge to serve up a humbling café experience like no other. Since Bay Ten Espresso’s arrival in the laneway, Middlemiss St. has become a watering hole for locals, artists, entrepreneurs, and like-minded misfits that roam the Earth.
Plus, we’re the only place on the North Shore with a White Knight, (that’s the flagship blend by Sutherland craftsmen, White Horse Coffee Roasters).
If you enjoy our story, then you’re going to be in awe of the sequel
Discover how Sydney’s most unique coworking space evolved from our little cafe